
The hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice
The hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice

the hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice the hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice

The PCL-R has good reliability and validity (internal consistency =. Thereafter, factor analysis reduced the 100 items down to 20 reliable items. In terms of its construction, more than 100 items were generated through a literature review and clinical experience.

the hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice

The norms for the PCL-R are based on data of 7 samples of adult male prisoners ( N = 1192) and 4 samples of adult male forensic psychiatric prisoners ( N = 440). Overall, two key elements of a psychopath are assessed: selfish and unfeeling victimisation of other people, and an unstable and antisocial lifestyle. The interview evaluates the background of the subject, such as their work and educational background, marital and family status, and criminal background. This is to compensate for the face that psychopaths are prone to lying, and are generally quite good at it. An important note is that the PCL-R is not used in isolation to perform a diagnosis rather, it is used in combination with a semi-structured interview and a review of the client’s file records and history. The administration and scoring will take about 3 hours. To put scores into context, an individual with no criminal background will generally score at around 5, and many non-psychopathic criminals score around the 22 range. A score of 30 or greater corresponds to a diagnosis of psychopathy. Once completed, a suitably qualified clinician will sum individual items to yield dimensional scores that reflect the severity of psychopathic traits. The response format is a 3-point scale, where 0 = item does not apply 1 = item applies somewhat 2 = applies definitely. Shallow Affect, Criminal Versatility Impulsivity). Each of the 20 items is a complex, higher-order trait (i.e. The PCL-R is a 20-item symptom construct rating scale used predominantly in forensic settings. More recently, the PCL-R is also being used on other groups: female forensic populations, sex offenders, and adolescent offenders (Grann, Langstrom, Tengstrom & Kullgren, 1999). It was originally designed to identify the degree of a person’s (adult forensic population) psychopathic tendencies.

the hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice

The PCL-R is used to diagnose psychopathy in individuals across clinical, legal, and research contexts. A psychopath is characterised by the following symptoms: lack of conscience or sense of guilt lack of empathy egocentricity pathological lying disregard for the law and social convention shallow emotion and a history of victimising others (Hare, 1993). The Hare Psychopathy Checklist – Revised (PCL-R) is a diagnostic tool that was developed in the 1990s and is used to rate a person’s psychopathic and/or antisocial tendencies (Hare, 1993).

The hare psychopathy checklist revised is quizlet foresnice